I haven't blogged in a long while for a few reasons. Soon after my last post, I went through a very nasty break-up that seemed to consume all the emotions within me. Subsequent to that, I pursued my gap year plan and did some proper travelling, spending a couple of months in Argentina where I picked up a little bit of Spanish (and a few seriously cute and gorgeous boys) and where I was humbled by the wonders of nature. From the menacing Iguazu falls in the north to the freezing beauty of the glaciers in the south. Breathtaking. Then, I came back to London to sort out my tedious job applications, and thanks (or not) to one of them being successful, I am now back into full-time training which means extremely little time to myself.
But that doesn't exclude me from participating in the occasional wild weekend in the Vauxhall clubs drowning in dirty progressive house music which I really have taken too much of a liking to. Yesterday was my new record. 20 hours of continuous limb-shaking, punctuated by short intervals to rest and mingle in the smoking area. It is a nice atmosphere in some sense. Sure, many people are high. Some don't know where they are. Some think they are in Mars. A few think that aliens from Mars are hunting them down. But still, it does provide a venue for people who share the same interests (not only limited to boys and sex) to come together and be free and to discover that there are more common grounds to us all than it may first appear on the surface (should one wish to engage with others beyond all the hip-grinding and what else not that occurs on the dance floor).
I don't know what prompted me to write on here again. I think it is partly because I tend to be very introspective after coming down on a big night out. It's probably propelled mainly by a feeling of regret. Yes, it was fun. But is it worth feeling as shitty as this? Probably not. But well, today's a Monday. Ask me again on Friday. And partly, there are some memorable incidents and quotes that happened yesterday that I thought were quite amusing. But I am tired now, I'll write again tomorrow, maybe. Maybe not since I will be working 14 hours. But whenever, since I don't think anyone is reading this now, and it probably suits me as well since I just feel like mumbling to myself sometimes. Chau.
I'm glad your writing again! I was just deleting you off my list until I saw your posting again! :-D
It's good to have you back.